Thursday, February 9, 2012

Every Little Thing Counts

Do you ever ask yourself, " Does it really matter if I do the right thing, no matter how small?" I think we all must do that from time to time, especially in dealing with those mundane daily tasks like making supper or bathing your kids and putting them to bed. We get tired, we lose perspective and wonder if it really matters if we do this "small" thing after all.

Recently, I found myself in this very place. I'll be honest. After working a 40 hour-a-week job, growing a marriage, maintaining a household of five and providing for the needs of three kids- I don't need many excuses to skip out on some of my responsibilities. My marriage has been through some challenges, everyone in my home has had a turn at being sick and we're always battling stress from other areas of our lives. We're  tired and we're each facing days where we just want to sleep until it's all over. I highly doubt we're alone in this.

Last week, as I found myself making excuses to neglect one of my duties, I could hear myself say, "It won't matter if I don't do it just this once." And as I heard it, a great truth was made quite real to me--Every single  thing we do matters. Why? Because God says so.
"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." I Corinthians 10:31 NIV
"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17 NIV
If it all matters, that changes a lot for me. Even if other's don't notice all our hard work--it matters to Him. Every single act, even those that are in the quiet of our hearts, speaks volumes about our character and who we serve. Every thought we think, every word we speak, every task we complete is an opportunity not only to build our character (diligence, patience, unselfishness, etc.) but also to build up those around us. Even if it just encourages others to endure to, reminds someone that they are loved, or simply serves as quiet proof of your faithfulness--it counts.

Sure, it may not matter if you skip it once or twice but the whole point in Christianity is that that you endure, you put others first and you become a selfless servant. When others have needs, we have the opportunity to live what we believe. During this incident. I happened to be experiencing some heart changes and it's critical during these times that I endure.

I read once that character is defined by what you do when no one is looking. And because it has proven so true, it reminds me that even those things we do that go unnoticed do matter in the grand scheme of things. Those "little things" are proof of who we really are inside. 

In some sense, mundane is a safe place to be. And we often overlook that mundane is a drama-free opportunity that we shouldn't squander. The mundane things are as much a blessing as anything else. They provide opportunities to encourage our spouses, kids and others with enduring love. They offer us intimacy on a whole new level if we dare to find joy in them. And they prepare us for the non-mundane.

It is in the little things that the big things are made. I realize that it's important that I be more joyful in the mundane and look for the treasures. For me, knowing that it all counts changes everything.

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